2014 Highlights
- Officially became a 510 (c) (3) non-profit tax exempt organization in July
- Sent monthly newsletters to over 700 e-list subscribers
- Interim Executive Director successfully completed her term, and new permanent Executive Director began leadership in August
- Launched the 1st in-person cross-generational leadership event, the Leadership Exchange with 30 experienced leaders and 30 emerging leaders in attendance
- Planned multiple Leadership Exchanges for 2015 of varying sizes, with the first scheduled for January 10, 2014
- Launched Experiential Exchange program creating mentor matches between youngers and olders in a 2-way learning exchange
- Brought on two new Board members including 1 BK author and 1 emerging leader who attended the Leadership Exchange
- Received $13,000 total in grants from 1440 and Shinnyo-en Foundations
- Conducted Action-Learning Partnership with Wiser Together, an initiative of the World Café, to support the creation of a virtual Wiser Together session for multi-generational dialogue with people all over the world
- Initiated Action-Learning Partnership with E3 to bring BK authors to work with a group of master educators this winter
- Established a multi-generational volunteer team to strategically design the Leadership Exchange in January 2015
- Attended National Service Learning Conference In Washington DC through donation from Shinnyo-en Foundation and held Foundation booth in collaboration with BK Publishers. Brought authors, Rob Jolles, Devora Zack, Bruce Rosenstein, and Pat McLagen to speak to groups of young leaders
- Received financial support from over 50 members of the Berrett-Koehler Publishers community
- Action Learning Fellowship with Camilla Lopez, the Principal of Achievement First Charter School, continued to have impact as reflected in the school’s current successful reading and math scores
- Action Learning project on consulting with young leader, Caitlin Shields, and experienced leader and BK author Geoff Bellman completed in January