2016 Highlights
Letter from our Executive Director, Annie-Rose London
dated October 29, 2016
The Berrett-Koehler Foundation (BKF) began in the fall of 2013 as an experiment —what could a successful publishing company, a devoted community of authors, and some idealistic young people do together to create a world that works for all? Now at the culmination of our first three years in existence and the end of my first year directing the BKF, we are still an experiment. And thank goodness for that! Our work is by necessity experimental, as we are constantly iterating, responding to a changing environment, and treading new territory with every step. As a young organization, we are just beginning to find our footing, and we thank you for being an essential part of our path. Below are some of the major highlights of the past year:
Our Movement
The BKF helps young, emerging, and experienced leaders create a world that works for all. We connect leaders across generations to practice and master methods of leadership that foster transformation to create collaborative organizations and communities. And we are not alone. The BKF is part of a movement giving voice to a vision for more just, more equitable, more participatory institutions. Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy calls it “The Great Turning — the transition from a doomed economy of industrial growth to a life-sustaining society committed to the recovery of our world.” Through our Action-Learning
Partnerships, we have teamed up with groups locally and internationally to raise awareness about more inclusive, conscious leadership practices. For example, in our work with E3: Education, Excellence and Equity, we have developed a curriculum to help nonprofits integrate Diversity and Equity consciousness into their general leadership approach, removing the binary that Diversity and Leadership are two separate efforts.
The BKF helps young, emerging, and experienced leaders create a world that works for all. We connect leaders across generations to practice and master methods of leadership that foster transformation to create collaborative organizations and communities. And we are not alone. The BKF is part of a movement giving voice to a vision for more just, more equitable, more participatory institutions. Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy calls it “The Great Turning — the transition from a doomed economy of industrial growth to a life-sustaining society committed to the recovery of our world.” Through our Action-Learning
Partnerships, we have teamed up with groups locally and internationally to raise awareness about more inclusive, conscious leadership practices. For example, in our work with E3: Education, Excellence and Equity, we have developed a curriculum to help nonprofits integrate Diversity and Equity consciousness into their general leadership approach, removing the binary that Diversity and Leadership are two separate efforts.
The State of Our Programs
The BKF currently runs three programs — Leadership Exchanges, The Experiential Exchange Program, and Action-Learning Partnerships. Leadership Exchanges are intergenerational, participatory leadership workshops. This program actively involves every participant, fostering a one-of-a-kind laboratory environment wherein individuals can learn from each other. The Experiential Exchange Program is our mutual mentorship program, connecting emerging and experienced leaders one-on-one. Action-Learning Partnerships are how we “play” with like-minded organizations. We extend and enhance the work of existing nonprofits and mission-aligned organizations. This takes many forms, including supporting others in hosting their own Leadership Exchange gatherings.
The BKF currently runs three programs — Leadership Exchanges, The Experiential Exchange Program, and Action-Learning Partnerships. Leadership Exchanges are intergenerational, participatory leadership workshops. This program actively involves every participant, fostering a one-of-a-kind laboratory environment wherein individuals can learn from each other. The Experiential Exchange Program is our mutual mentorship program, connecting emerging and experienced leaders one-on-one. Action-Learning Partnerships are how we “play” with like-minded organizations. We extend and enhance the work of existing nonprofits and mission-aligned organizations. This takes many forms, including supporting others in hosting their own Leadership Exchange gatherings.
One big change for us this year is a fuller whole-hearted commitment to our Design Teams. In 2015, we challenged ourselves to embed our values of collaborative, intergenerational leadership into every aspect of the event, including its design and facilitation. Thus the Design Teams were born, which have taken on a life of their own. Thirty-four leaders have participated so far. These intergenerational teams receive training in collaboration and facilitation, with the opportunity to apply their learning immediately. Experiential learning works, and we’ve been thrilled to see its effectiveness in our own community.
What We Are Learning — People Need Connection
At the end of every program, we ask participants to share the most impactful aspect of the day. We expected answers such as — “my new job connection!” or “the wonderful presentation about such-and-such!” — yet, we have had a different sort of response from every corner of our organization. What people love about the BKF is the community. It’s the opportunity to be authentic, ambitious, and connected. People are hungry for spaces where they can be themselves: to see and to be seen fully. We have asked ourselves — is this a step away from focusing on leadership? Or is this a revised understanding of leadership itself, where leadership is a process that takes place in relationship? We don’t know the answer, but we do know that we cannot turn away from the hunger for authentic connection. We look forward to exploring this more in 2017.
At the end of every program, we ask participants to share the most impactful aspect of the day. We expected answers such as — “my new job connection!” or “the wonderful presentation about such-and-such!” — yet, we have had a different sort of response from every corner of our organization. What people love about the BKF is the community. It’s the opportunity to be authentic, ambitious, and connected. People are hungry for spaces where they can be themselves: to see and to be seen fully. We have asked ourselves — is this a step away from focusing on leadership? Or is this a revised understanding of leadership itself, where leadership is a process that takes place in relationship? We don’t know the answer, but we do know that we cannot turn away from the hunger for authentic connection. We look forward to exploring this more in 2017.
Our Financial Support from a Broad Community
Over 250 authors, community members, and friends of Berrett-Koehler Publishers have made generous donations to fund our non-profit organization. Berrett-Koehler Publishers has continued its commitment to donate 10% of its pre-tax profit to the BKF. The numbers mean everything — this broad community financial support is the inspiration and the material nourishment for our existence.
Most of all, I have been given great hope by our committed and visionary participants. You have filled our programs with laughter, tenderness, and an electricity that says “The time is now.”
Thank you for being a part of the movement for a world that works for all!
In Community,
Annie-Rose London
Executive Director
Berrett-Koehler Foundation
Over 250 authors, community members, and friends of Berrett-Koehler Publishers have made generous donations to fund our non-profit organization. Berrett-Koehler Publishers has continued its commitment to donate 10% of its pre-tax profit to the BKF. The numbers mean everything — this broad community financial support is the inspiration and the material nourishment for our existence.
Most of all, I have been given great hope by our committed and visionary participants. You have filled our programs with laughter, tenderness, and an electricity that says “The time is now.”
Thank you for being a part of the movement for a world that works for all!
In Community,
Annie-Rose London
Executive Director
Berrett-Koehler Foundation